From the Archive: 1997 Chronicle Piece on Cuts to Immigrant Benefits
In the 1996 Welfare Reform Law, the U.S. Congress cut core benefits to millions of legally present immigrants across the nation.
In 1997, Chronicle highlighted the impact of cuts to the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program for thousands of legally present immigrants in Massachusetts. Congress also cut Food Stamps (SNAP) and cash assistance for legally present immigrants.
The Massachusetts Law Reform Institute (MLRI) and the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA) worked with Representative Cabral to secure funding in the FY 1997 budget for state-funded food and cash benefits for legally present immigrants. All of the food assistance (SNAP), and the cash assistance for families (TAFDC), sunset in 2003.
The Feeding Our Neighbors Coalition is working to reinstate those benefits.